More on wabi-sabi and simplicity
November 01, 2005
Back in July, I discussed applying the principles of wabi-sabi to your presentations in Wabi-Sabi and Presentation Visuals (part I) and Wabi-Sabi and Presentation Visuals (part II). In from Wabi-Sabi to Golden Mean I looked a bit more at this ancient "organic" approach to examining visual communication.
I was quite interested, then, to read this article, Wabi-Sabi's Simplicity, over at one of my favorite sites, 37signals' Signal vs. Noise. The article has some great links as well. A key tenet behind wabi-sabi, of course, is the idea of simplicity. You can apply the concepts discussed in these articles and posts to presentation design, web design, software development, user interface design, and myriad other creative disciplines as well. So if this "wabi-sabi stuff" is new to you, go make yourself a cup of tea, relax and take some time to explore wabi-sabi's origins, meanings, and applications.
"...we all seem to have an innate longing for primitive simplicity, close to the natural state of living."
— Daisetz Suzuki
I hope you will be inspired, if only ever so slightly, by this simple idea,... wabi-sabi.